Saturday, July 17, 2010

Our lab is in the newspaper

The Mexican newspaper Milenio just ran a full-page spread of photos taken in our lab (at the Colegio Mexiquense). For a pdf of the article, click here.
The article is called: "Desentierran varias piezas arqueológicas en la entidad."  Milenio, July 15, 2010. Section: Milenio Edomex, page 8. It is a "fotoreportaje" with photos by Iván Carmona, and text by Caludia Hidalgo. They visited us July 14 (Bastille Day). The photos in this post were taken by Carmona, but not used in the article; they are reproduced here with his permission. A longer text piece by Ms. Hidalgo is scheduled to appear in the newspaper Tuesday July 20.

These photos show Brad with his obsidian, Angela checking Janeth's classification of sherds, Julie recording ceramic attributes, the someone's hand with a spindle whorl (probably Angela's).

Milenio ran a story on Calixtlahuaca last year, by Ernesto de la Cueva, and it is probably the best journalistic account of my research I have yet encountered. It was called "Calixtlahuaca: La Nostalgia del Poder." The title relates the the observation that 600 years ago Calixtlahuaca was a large powerful capital city and Tollocan (Toluca) was a small village subject to the capital, whereas today the situation is the exact reverse.

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